Telegram is an instant messaging app with a focus on speed and security and a good alternative to
High level of privacy and security
One of Telegram's main focus is security and privacy compared to WhatsApp. For example, Telegram features something called "Secret Chats" - an encrypted chat connection that self-destructs messages similar to
Send up to 1GB of video
Telegram also features a good level of multimedia support with up to 100 people and allows sharing of videos up to 1GB although you may find uploading and downloading quite slow. You can send batches of photos rather than just one at a time and you can store pretty much as many images as you want because Telegram allows unlimited online storage. However, you can't send audio files with Telegram or images in certain formats.
Like WhatsApp, Telegram also supports leaving brief voice messages although unlike applications such as Skype, you can't actually actually make voice calls.
What's new in the latest version?
The latest update to Telegram contains a bunch of new features designed to ramp up the functionality and usability of the app. There's a new 'Tap & Hold to View' option for photos and videos, with short self-destruct timers. The timer for secret chats has been made more flexible, too.
Other changes include username support, including the ability to search for other people by their username, and screenshot notifications in secret chats.
An excellent secure alternative to WhatsApp
If you want an instant messaging client that offers more security than WhatsApp, Telegram is a very interesting alternative.
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